Sunday, April 23, 2017


Frostbite is an injury to the skin and the tissues under the skin by exposure to cold where ears, nose, toes, and fingers are most often affected. The process of freezing is quite painless, the tissue turns numb and white and may freeze solid without the person's being aware of it.

Careful treatment is needed to avoid further damage during the process of thawing. The affected person should stay in a gently warm surroundings, but never near a stove or heater. Hot drinks and soup can help to feel warm.
There can be a severe case of frostbite which may lead to gangrene and possible loss of a limb. A doctor should be called immediately to prevent this to happen. Never massage the frozen part with the hands or with snow. Outer clothing should be removed gently, and never permit the person to walk if the toes are frostbitten because the pressure on frozen tissue is likely to injure the affected area.

To prevent frostbite to happen, when you go out in freezing temperatures, wear adequate, warm, dry clothing, but be sure that it is loose enough to allow free circulation everywhere including the fingers and toes. Smoking should be avoided because it constricts the blood vessels and increases the possibility of frostbite.

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