Thursday, May 4, 2017

"NATURE" and Plants' Role In Humanity

Through Science and Technology, we are able to know plants' characteristics, benefits, harm and its beauty, based on the study made by scientists. However, each one of us though, have our own concepts and interpretations from the books that we read, from our own observations to the plants that our eyes can see physically. Not all human beings are given the opportunity to read all those studies made by the scientists, and I believe, that Nature helps those people who were not given the chance to reach the materials published for them to know the characteristics of plants.

There are those people who are "enlightened" by Nature to understand the characteristic of a certain plant. My husband is one example. He was taught by an "old man" who can "spiritually communicate" with a certain plant to be able to know if that particular plant can cure a disease, as I was told by my husband. It is my own belief that this not about being a "quack" doctor, but by way of Nature to help those people who don't have the chance to read the materials published regarding the study of plants through science and technology. The other reasons might be, that these people either live in a remote area where education is scarcely practiced or reached, or financially, they are not capable of buying such materials.

Then, Nature made the way. Actually, I had may hows, whats, and whys of how these plants were recognized by those people who don't even know how to read and write, like the "old man", with whom I was a witness myself of the "many" people who goes to his house and ask for help with their disease. And some of these people have been to the hospital and others have already underwent different kinds of conventional medicines that were not cured, so they sought the help of this "old man". 

My curiosity to know more of plants started to make me do more research, sell supplements where I learned a lot about health, and luckily, aside from my husband who knows "naturally" the benefits of plants, he has a sister who studied Homoeopathy and is now a licensed doctor of homoeopathy, has about 5 hectares of land where she plant herbs, or different kinds of plants that is useful to health. Here then that I learned and saw myself the different kinds of plants, its benefits, and its characteristics. She also showed me and even let me borrow some of her books to know more about plants.

Here in Borneo, it is known for its wild plants and animals, the reason why the experts in science and technology, or scientists, are interested in this place. There are a lot of species to study, and their expertise in the field of science and technology is needed to discover more about the Nature of  Borneo.

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