Monday, May 8, 2017

"Everything Has Beauty, But Not Everyone Sees It" - Confucius

This proverb is very much applicable and seen in life. The most difficult thing to do is "to see what you can't see in your physical eyes". Sometimes it's true that first impression is lasting especially if the beauty of what you see is right before your very eyes, but there are exceptions which we all know very well.

One example is a book  with a very nice cover that you can't refuse to buy in a bookstore. You bought that book because you want to include it in your collection of books. As soon as you reach home, you throw yourself in a couch and lying down, relaxed with your two feet stretched in the arms of the couch, you begin to flip the pages. You are just excited what's interesting inside the book that you can't wait to see all the pages. As you go on reading, you slowly feel disappointed because nothing much of the contents are interesting. Until your excitement disappeared and you felt sleepy. When you woke up, you picked up the book that dropped on the floor which slipped off from your hand when you fell asleep while reading. With dismay, you threw the book  in the corner where you put the other books that you are planning to discard. And so the book that you had once been attracted by its beauty because of the cover is there now waiting to be thrown or burned.  

A thing is different from our perception with our fellow human being. Each and everyone of us have our own perception and judgement and not all are right or wrong. Seeing is different from perceiving. We need our eyes to see but we need our intuition and insight to perceive and see what our naked eyes can see. 

To see the beauty of a person from within is the most difficult part because you cannot read what's in the mind and heart of someone. You need wisdom and discernment that only our Creator can give us. The wisdom that you need in this situation does not come from what you learned from school. It comes from our Creator. If you have that kind of wisdom, you might not be right in all your judgement for all of us are only humans who have limitations, but through the wisdom that our Creator gives can help us to judge rightly and spare us from doing any false judgement that can hurt people. We should always ask our Creator to give us that wisdom, because unless we ask, it will not be given unto us. 

The beauty of a person physically is very important too. Not all have it. If you are blessed to have that kind of beauty, you should use your beauty to make people happy by showing and proving that your beauty outside is the same as your beauty inside. Do not use your beauty to insult and discriminate people. Show that your beauty from within is also your beauty from without. Be an inspiration to those who don't have the same kind of beauty that you have physically. Beauty that is seen can be destroyed or damaged, while beauty that cannot be seen can never be destroyed or damaged. It is treasured and can never be forgotten

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