Monday, May 8, 2017

"Silence Is A Friend Who Will Never Betray" - Confucius

"Silent water runs deep". Be very careful because if you make a mistake to try its silence, you're dead. If there is a sudden absolute silence that surrounds you, the old folks say, "be alert, there is an angel passing by". You should be careful to deal with a person that is so quiet because you don't know what's in his mind...and son on.

I must admit that it is very difficult for me to understand this proverb. What kind of "silence" and "friend" that he is referring to? Could it be that what he meant is "oneself"? 

If the "friend" in this proverb is your inner-self, and the "silence"  is the silence of your "friend" (inner-self or the subconscious mind), then this will not contradict with the meaning of silence in the dictionary. Our inner-self is a gift that God gave us all to be our companion in our whole life and will never, ever betray us

The songs of Mariah Carey "Hero" and "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler, will remind us always of our "friend". Please listen...

Our inner-self has no limits and no boundaries. Our inner-self is connected in the outside world, or the universe, where our physical being cannot reach. Our inner-self is our companion and our real friend. If we are in trouble, our ability has come to its limits, our inner-self is our rescue. Our inner-self which cannot be seen who is "always hiding from our shadow", to borrow a line from the lyrics of Bett Midler, will silently do the things for us and miracle happens.

This proverb is trying to open our knowledge in our inner-self that is connected to the outside world, or the spiritual world. Confucius tried to help us to find out how we are connected in the outside world...not physically but spiritually.

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