Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Diet is the nourishment that a person takes regularly and the type of diet that you take has an influence on your health and your emotional well-being. Eating adequate amounts of the essential nutrients will have the fuel it needs for energy and the building blocks used for the growth and repair of the tissue. 

Starch and sugar which are known as carbohydrates are the body's basic source of energy. Potatoes and grains contain starch, wheat and rice, and the foods made with them, such as spaghetti, bread, crackers, cake and so on. Sugar is supplied by vegetables, fruits, and honey.

Minerals are needed for health. Calcium and phosphorus which make up most of the human skeleton and teeth, are found in milk, meats, fish, green vegetables, and whole grains. Iron is needed for the red corpuscles of the blood. Good sources of iron are liver, spinach, and raisins. Iodine, essential to the thyroid gland is obtained from iodized salt and sea food. Other necessary minerals include sodium, potassium, and copper. A good balanced diet will provide them in sufficient quantity.

Proteins are essential for the growth and repair of our tissues. Lean beef, veal, fish, poultry, milk and milk products, nuts, grains, peas, lentils and beans are good sources of building block.

Fats are major sources of energy. It yields more than twice the number of calories that carbohydrates do. You all need them for the functioning of your tissues. Fats are found in milk and milk products, nuts, oils, meat, fish, and some vegetables. 

We also need other essentials like water which is a vital part of all living tissue. Water is making up about two thirds of the weight of the body. We can do without food much more readily than we can without water. 

Vitamins are also essential for health at every age. All your needs are provided in a good diet.

In planning your diet, the caloric values of food must be considered. Young persons need more calories and older one fewer. Make sure that your diet supplies the amount of calories required, otherwise it will result in obesity.

The diet should be varied, since the body needs nutrients of different types.

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