Monday, April 24, 2017


Malnutrition is a condition in which the body is poorly nourished because the body is not getting one or more of the important nutritional elements in the individuals diet. We must have fats and carbohydrates (sugars and starches), to provide us with energy. Proteins, water and minerals, and also vitamins, keeps the nutritional process of the tissues working smoothly. Deficiency diseases and other disorders is subjected when these nutrients are lacking.

Malnutrition is often the result of poverty or of inadequate knowledge of the body's dietary needs. Spending money on foods high in fat, sugar, and starch, but neglecting fresh vegetables, fruit, milk and meat is leading the body into malnutrition. The closer a food is to its natural state, the more it retains its original nutrients.

Severe underweight occurs when the individual has an insufficient intake of calories. Underweight may also be the result of a disorder such as an overactive thyroid, cancer, or an emotional disturbance. If there is a disease in the pancreas, liver, or any of the other organs of the digestive system, the body may be unable to absorb or use the nutrients in the diet. To avoid malnutrition, it's important for a women's system to have additional nutrients.

Vitamin deficiencies produce a variety of nutritional disorders, including scurvy, rickets, and beriberi.

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