Sunday, May 14, 2017

Ancient Quotes and Modern Quotes...What's the Difference?

Did you ever notice or observe any difference between ancient quotes and modern quotes? Did it ever occur in your mind which of these two types of quotes stuck up in your memory? Are quotes really useful to us? If you are in a bad situation, do you still remember any of the quotes that you once liked?

Modern quotes are social websites the most. Very beautiful and meaningful quotes with images, beautiful background images, "liked" by millions of people...if you total up the websites where quotes are posted in the Internet. Online and offline, because if you go to bookstores, a lot of books where you can find modern quotes. They are inspiring quotes that as soon as you read it...immediately you say "it's true". 

Ancient quotes are not as famous as modern quotes...only my observation though. Unless you do your google search, seldom that you see ancient quotes in social websites. I observed this is the first difference. However, ancient quotes are recorded in "History Books", and even included in the History lessons at school. Why?

Well...maybe to justify this difference, we can reason out that modern quotes is not a "history" yet being done in the present generation...or with all those tons and tons of modern quotes, maybe 4 volumes of encyclopedia is not enough :)

Confucius is one of the wise men, a philosopher recorded in History. He was called "wise man" because of his teachings (as the term of the historian scholars). It was his teachings or the "code of good behavior" that people followed during the great disturbance in China at the time. That "code of good behavior" or teachings brought a great influence in the minds of his people that because of his "words", his people obeyed him. Obedience of his people to his "code of good behavior" that made the Emperor, during his time to win the hearts and respect of his subjects.  To analyze his teachings, his words were so meaningful that people cherished and treasured from generation to generation, not only in China, but to the whole world. The name "Confucius" and Confucius teachings or "quotes" was never forgotten.

It is also the same with the other ancients and successful people in the 18th, 19th, and 20th century. The Head of Nations who did great to their own country, like Alexander the Great, Nelson Mendela, Mahatma Gandhi,  Abraham Lincol, Winston name a few. And also to those successful people who did something great to their lives that brought inspiration to others, hence their quotes were also remembered.

This is the difference that I want to find out. How can a quote influence the mind and heart of a person? Is it from the personality of a person?

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