Friday, May 19, 2017

Bio-availability of Vitamin K from Foods

Very little is known about the bio-availability of the K vitamins from different foods. It has been estimated that the efficiency of absorption of phylloquinone from boiled spinach (eaten with butter) is no greater than 10 percent compared with an estimated 80 percent when phylloquinone is given in its free form. This poor absorption of phylloquinone from green leafy vegetables may be explained by its location in chloroplasts and tight association with the thylakoid membrane, where this naphthoquinone plays a role in photosynthesis. In comparison, the bio-availability of MK-4 from butter artificially enriched with this vitamer was more than twofold higher than that of phylloquinone from spinach. 

The poor extraction of phylloquinone from leafy vegetables, which as a category represents the single greatest food source of phylloquinone, may place a different perspective on the relative importance of other foods with lower concentrations of phylloquinone (e.g., containing soybean and rapeseed oils) but in which the vitamin is not tightly bound and its bioavailability is likely to be greater. 

Even before bio-availability was taken into account, fat and oils that are contained in mixed dishes were found to make an important contribution to the phylloquinone content of the US diet  and in a UK study contributed 30 percent of the total dietary intake. No data exist on the efficiency of intestinal absorption of dietary long-chain menaquinones. Because the lipophilic properties of menaquinones are greater than those of phylloquinone, it is likely that the efficiency of their absorption, in the free form, is low, as suggested by animal studies.

Importance of intestinal bacterial synthesis as a source of vitamin K

Intestinal microflora synthesise large amounts of menaquinones, which are potentially available as a source of vitamin K. Quantitative measurements at different sites of the human intestine have demonstrated that most of these menaquinones are present in the distal colon. Major forms produced are MK-10 and MK-11 by Bacteroides, MK-8 by Enterobacter, MK-7 by Veillonella, and MK-6 by Eubacterium lentum. 

It is noteworthy that menaquinones with very long chains (MKs 10–13) are known to be synthesised by members of the anaerobic genus Bacteroides and are major inhabitants of the intestinal tract but have not been detected in significant amounts in foods. The widespread presence of MKs 10–13 in human livers at high concentrations  therefore suggests that these forms, at least, originate from intestinal synthesis.

It is commonly held that animals and humans obtain a significant fraction of their vitamin K requirement from direct absorption of menaquinones produced by microfloral synthesis, but hard experimental evidence documenting the site and extent of any absorption is singularly lacking. The most promising site of absorption is the terminal ileum, where there are some menaquinone-producing bacteria as well as bile salts. The evidence overall suggests that the bio-availability of bacterial menaquinones is poor because they are mostly tightly bound to the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane and the largest pool is present in the colon, which lacks bile salts for their solubilisation.

Evidence on which recommendations can be based

Assessment of vitamin K status

Conventional coagulation assays are useful for detecting overt vitamin K-deficient states which are associated with a risk of bleeding. However, they offer only a relatively insensitive insight into vitamin K nutritional status and the detection of sub-clinical vitamin K-deficient states. A more sensitive measure of vitamin K sufficiency can be obtained from tests that detect under-carboxylated species of vitamin K-dependent proteins. In states of vitamin K deficiency, under-carboxylated species of the vitamin K-dependent coagulation proteins are released from the liver into the blood; their levels increase with the degree of severity of vitamin K deficiency. 

These under-carboxylated forms (PIVKA) are unable to participate in the normal coagulation cascade because they are unable to bind calcium. The measurement of under-carboxylated prothrombin (PIVKA-II) is the most useful and sensitive homeostatic marker of sub-clinical vitamin K deficiency. Importantly, PIVKA-II is detectable in plasma before any changes occur in conventional coagulation tests. Several types of assay for PIVKA-II have been developed which vary in their sensitivity.

In the same way that vitamin K deficiency causes PIVKA-II to be released into the circulation from the liver, a deficit of vitamin K in bone will cause the osteoblasts to secrete under-carboxylated species of osteocalcin (ucOC) into the bloodstream. It has been proposed that the concentration of circulating ucOC reflects the sufficiency of vitamin K for the carboxylation of this Gla protein in bone tissue. Most assays for ucOC have been indirect because they rely on the differential absorption of carboxylated and under-carboxylated forms to hydroxyapatite and are difficult to interpret.

Other criteria of vitamin K sufficiency that have been used are plasma measurements of phylloquinone and the measurement of urinary Gla. It is expected and found that the excretion of urinary Gla is decreased in vitamin K deficiency.


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