Monday, May 22, 2017

Chemistry and Distribution of Calcium

Nordin, B.E.C. 1976. Nutritional considerations. In: Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium Metabolism. Nordin, B.E.C., ed. p. 1-35. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Calcium is a divalent cation with an atomic weight of 40. In the elementary composition of the human body, it ranks fifth after oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, and it makes up 1.9 percent of the body by weight.
Carcass analyses show that it constitutes 0.1–0.2 percent of early foetal fat-free weight, rising to about 2 percent of adult fat-free weight. In absolute terms, this represents a rise from about 24 g (600 mmol) at birth to 1300 g (32.5 mol) at maturity, requiring an average daily positive calcium balance of 180 mg (4.5 mmol) during the 20 years of growth (Figure 12). 

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