Sunday, May 7, 2017

"The Strength of A Nation Derives from the Integrity of the Home" - Confucius

My late Aunt, a Grade lV teacher, always say "education comes first at home". This is very true. The very first word that you learn comes from your home. Your first teacher/s is your mother or father. Before you step your feet at school, you already know your ABC.

Another proverbial saying "know them by their fruits". I remember my late brother, when he was still in his young age, my father used to scold him because he has an attitude of being hot-tempered, impatient and moody. My father told him that "from whom did you duplicate that kind of attitude"? My late brother answered him back by saying "a mango tree will not bear a tomato fruit". It was a sad memory between a father and a son, but it proves that the proverbial saying is true.

A house is not called a home because it is just a structure built from materials. A house can only be called a home when a person, persons or a family is living in it. But what kind of home is a home?

In a community, not all families are doing the right thing in their home. There are families where violent atmosphere is there. Husband and wives fight with each other and even hurt each other physically in front of their siblings. I am reminded of the song of Keith Urban, "But for the Grace of God". It really match this part. Listen...

I love that song so much because the lyrics are all true.

Children always set their parents as an example or model of their lives. The kind of upbringing a child has can be determined through his behavior. How the child has been brought up by his parents.

However, parents are not only to be blamed. Influence of the environment is also a big factor for the character of a child. A child may be disciplined well by his parents, but as soon as they reach the stage that they are on their way to choose their own company of friends, problem starts. This is the time for us parents to guide from behind. 

In this stage, your children will start to change their behavior. They can be impolite to you. They can go with friends that can lead them to go astray if you cannot monitor their moves. 

Children are the foundation of a country. They are the builders of a community, and a nation. But the greater responsibility is from the parents to build a home with integrity. I used to hear some patriotic people say "do not ask what your country can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for your country". 

It is then all our responsibility as parents to help our children grow up with integrity to make our own nation strong.

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