Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Why Did I Post This Book About Vitamins and Minerals?

You all might be wondering why I'm spending my time posting this information about vitamins and minerals. As I mentioned in my previous post, I want to know how vitamins and minerals work in our body system. Why is it that, with all the information about foods or plants packed with nutritional benefits because of its vitamins and minerals, and yet, health problems and diseases are still very much  around? Could it be that although we know about vitamins and minerals, that this and that vitamins are good, this and that minerals are good for this and that sickness, still the knowledge that we taught we already knew from all those sources is still not enough, the reason why although we eat this and that food that is said to benefit us is not really enough to solve our health problems?

When I came across this PDF book, I immediately said "this might be the answer to my questions". I read it first, try to understand what I am only capable to understand since I am not a nurse, I am not a doctor, and I am not a nutritionist either. The things that I want to understand but I don't know, I just google it :) 

When I read that the book has no copyright for as long as it is not reproduced for sale but just for mere education, I was delighted. I said to myself, this is my chance to help those like me (I think there are some of you, like me there, I suppose), who wants to know the real functions of vitamins and minerals. 

I still have a lot to post because for now I am only on page 84 and the pages of this book is 303 pages. I just did this message for my visitors to know my real purpose of posting this information. There might be some of you, who, like me, wants this kind of information from the experts in Nutrition. They are Nutritionists while others are Medical practioners, who made a joint effort to educate people about real nutrition in the form of vitamins and minerals.

May I take this opportunity too, to thank all my visitors, to all my visitors from LinkReferral who make me more inspired to post topics that are useful because of their positive and inspiring comments for my blog. I want to make my blog useful to my viewers like the other blogs that I already visited. After all, this is the purpose of the Internet. Exchange of views, ideas, learning from each other, and reaching each other in any part of this world.

More to come...and thank you all so much.

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