Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Different Kinds of Plants But Almost Same Benefits

Did it ever come up into your mind why Mother Earth's plants differ individually of its appearance and names, but the benefits are almost the same? With so many information about each plants' characteristics, but almost the same contents of its vitamins and minerals, and almost the same benefits to prevent, to relieve, to cure, or to treat certain disease, sometimes it's confusing which of these plants is right for yourself. 

As a person who really loves nature, my curiosity never stops to find out how all these plants differ from each other while they almost have the same benefits. Every time I see all these genius authors of books who extensively did their research before writing their books about plants, to those who specialized their passion by studying botany to become doctors and scientists, the more it triggers my curiosity to find out what made them drive into their passion, what is their purpose, and "who" helped them?

Because of my curiosity, I read, and read, and read books. I have come into my own conclusion based on all the materials that I read, that "Nature" made them do it to Help Human Beings in this planet.

I mentioned in one of my posts that my husband knows the characteristics of plants. He did not study botany or any academics related to plants. His "teacher" was an "old man" whom he said he has this kind of "enlightenment" to know the characteristics of plants. The plants that this old man give to those who are sick can really cure them, even those who had been to the hospital that cannot be cured, the old man's medicinal plants can cure. 

Is my husband a quack doctor? No, he is not. He is just an ordinary person, and the only thing that makes him a bit extra-ordinary is his ability to know the kinds of plants without learning botany. He used to tell me that if a certain plant grows in a certain area, that plant can cure a certain disease. That means, nearby that area there is someone who is suffering that kind of disease. And I had proven to be true. How can this be?  

Although I know that what he's telling is true because I see and witness myself, I still can't stop wondering how and why? Until one day, my brother managed to download an audio by Dr. Robert Anthony and asked me to listen to it. I already forgot the title but I will search it and post it here later. I just need to finish this post because I don't want to lose the idea that I have in my mind now. I heard that audio 4 years ago so I can't tell all the details now...I will in my future posts.

What captured my interest in that audio of Dr. Robert Anthony was when he said that we are all made of cells so we are all "interconnected" with each other, human beings, animals, plants, things, and everything. I tried to search that audio now but I can't find it. I will try to find it for you. My computer was corrupted where I saved that audio so I don't have a copy now.

Because of that audio of Dr. Robert Anthony, I realized that it's all true. Please allow me to relate my one experience about the line that I stated above from the audio...the cells. Our car has a battery and the battery itself has a cell. One day, when I turned on the ignition switch of my car, I feel that the battery is already weak because of its sound. I am using a dry cell battery so I have to buy a new replacement. The new battery is expensive and pay day is still two weeks away so I whispered to my car "I know your battery is already weak, but please hold on, I will buy you a new one immediately after pay day"

I managed to use my car but each time I turned on the ignition switch, the sound always makes me worry. Before the two weeks that I promised came, one day on my way to send my daughter to school for afternoon class, I told my daughter to check if my husband's overtime pay already credited to his account. I parked my car, turned off the ignition switch and checked the ATM. The $250.00 overtime pay of my husband was already credited so I withdraw the $200.

When I turned on the ignition switch, to my surprise, it did not work. Not a single click or sound which means the battery is "dead". Then I remember my promise that I will buy a new battery "if" I already have the money. I smiled at my car and whispered "thank you very much for helping us to the best of your ability. you did not put me into shame in the middle of the road even though you are very weak". I called a friend to buy me battery because I can't leave the parking area and the most remarkable one is, the money that I have in hand is $200 and the price of the battery is exactly $200!

It's a great experience. Well...the title of my post is about plants but I end my post with a battery cell :) This proves that experience with Nature in our lives is really, really endless to talk about. Till next post folks. I have a lot of experience that I can share you. Thanks to you all for your visit.

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