Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"If We Don't Know Life, How Can We Know Death" - Confucius

Nothing in this world that can be seen that has no end. Life cannot be seen and so it has no end. Life is "added" to our material body to be called "alive". When our "time" comes, the life that we have to keep us alive will leave us...and so we're dead. Our "life" leaves our material body to be rotten 6 ft from the ground, and only our bones left that will not rot. It is another story why our bones will not and never rot. God has a purpose for that. I won't discuss it here because I know each of us have our own belief. Let us respect each other's belief.

I will just give an example why life is added to our material body to make us alive. A man who met a head on collision through car accident was thrown out from his car because of strong impact when his car hit the street light post. People rushed to the scene of the accident, and they saw the man lying down, bathe in his pool of blood. One person in the crowd saw that the man is still alive, but either one of the crowd can touch the victim because they have to wait for the police and paramedics. It is in the law that in such incidents, only those with authority can touch the victim. Immediately, somebody from the crowd called the police.

When the paramedics arrive, they rushed to check first the pulse of the victim. Then they said "his pulse is not working anymore, his life was gone just a few minutes ago". It is very clear then that "life" is added to our material body to keep us alive.

May be we ask ourselves, "why then did I live"? If you ask yourself that question, I myself is asking too. To find an answer to my own question, I tried to recall all the past events in my life. I started first with the trials, difficulties, and challenges that I had gone through. Then I begin to realize that those trials, difficulties and challenges that I managed to overcome all the way through, taught me how to be strong, to learn about the reality of life. The pain and sufferings during my journey taught me how to be strong, taught me how to accept and bravely face the challenges of life, managed to overcome through strong faith that for as long as I still have my life, it means I still have a purpose here in this material world.

My next question to myself is: "What is my purpose to live"? I keep on asking this question until one day, I was "enlightened" to realize that I live not for myself alone but for others too by sharing with them the life that I had gone through to open their hearts that we are alive to give inspiration and help for others based on our own experience. That life is not about being merry all the time. We should make our life meaningful through giving inspiration to others, helping those who need help that is within our capacity, and showing that loving each other, sharing with each other, helping each other  is a way to have a meaningful life. I am happy now that I realize the real purpose of God why I live, and anytime that God takes my life in His own time, I will have a smile in my lips before I breathe my last breath, because I already finished my purpose in life and I can rest through death...temporarily.

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