Saturday, May 6, 2017

Guava benefits. Guava tree, fruit and leaves

"Scientific Name: Psidium guajava L.Botanical Family: Myrtaceae / Other names: Guava, Guava Maroon, Guava of Peru
The guava is a shrub or small tree up to 7 m high, sparsely branched. It has aromatic leaves, opposite, entire, 4-8 cm long, with prominent veins on the underside, resembling leaves. White attractive flowers, grouping from 1 to 3; numerous stamens arranged on a width disc. The guava fruit is fleshy, variable in shape and size depending on the variety.
Guava is native to tropical America. Cultivated and naturalized in the Old World tropics in rural and urban areas. 
It is known for the presence of gallic acid, allagic acid, catechin, epicatechin, rutin and quercetin.
Pentacyclic triterpene, guajanoico acid and B-sitosterol, uvaol, olenolico acid and ursolic acid.
Guava leaves contain an essential oil rich in caryophyllene, nerolidiol, betabisabolene, aromandreno, p-selinene. Also contain flavonoids, beta sitosterol, titerpenoides, leucocyanidins and about 10% of tanins.
Guava Benefits - Medicinal Properties
The high presence of tannins give to guava anti-diarrheal properties, also have demostrated pharmacological activity as antibacterial, antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-anemic, hemostatic and sedative.
It is indicated in case of dyspepsia, edema, swelling, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, nervousness, HIV, skin conditions.
Guava is a fruit prized for their nutritional value and high in various vitamins. It's antiscorbutic because they are high in vitamin C". More on guava properties here...

I have my own experience with the medicinal properties of guava. This is when my one leg was caught in a fire. Please read my story here.  

In my other posts, I mentioned that my husband knows something about plants' medicinal properties. It's true what had been stated as one of the benefits is for diarrhea. If we have diarrhea, we never see a doctor. We have a guava tree in our backyard and we just pluck the guava buds, boil it and drink the boiled guava leaves. The effect is very fast. The medicinal properties of guava cannot be doubted.

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