Saturday, May 6, 2017

Lily flowers. Medicinal properties, benefits of the plant. White Lily

Scientific Name: Lilium candidum
"The white lily give off an exquisite soft fragrance, especially at night, but not all varieties have scent. Its flowers represents the candor, the majesty and purity because of its white color that is frequently seen in bridal bouquets. White Lilies have fascinated man since ancient times and in the temple of Solomon these flowers can be seen in the sculpture, also appear in medieval religious paintings.
The parts used in therapy are both fresh and dried bulbs and the extracted oil.
White Lily plant is native to Asia and North America. Later it spread to the Mediterranean. It is grown in many regions for its easy cultivation and the lasting of cut flowers.
White Lily Content and Active Ingredients
Note: Its active ingredients have not been studied in detail.
Flavonoids: including isoramnetine glucoside, gamma-methyl glutamic acid, soluble polysaccharides: glucomannans, starch
Health benefits attributed to the plant of White Lily
The plant has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and expectorant properties.
It is indicated for internal use in gynecological complaints (see warnings). It's indicated in external use for treat ulcers, inflammations, boils, skin rashes, burns, wounds, and eczema.
Warning use:
Due to the lack of hard data, it is recommended to use with caution and only administered topically.
Popular Use:
Hot poultice, as resolvent and callus remover. You must collect a white lily bulb and after cleaning it with water, roast it on an ash, cut into slices and apply hot on whitlows, warts and boils.
The oil is applied to the treated area to cure ulcers, abscesses, boils and pimples.
The white lilies, soaking in brandy at least for 6 hours, heal tears and bruises.
With the petals of white lily flowers macerated in oil is prepared a new oil that is used as a soothing earaches and against mammary cracks.
Infusion. It is prepared with 3 g. of bulb in 100 ml of boiling water, have diuretic effects." For more info...

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