Monday, May 8, 2017

"When Anger Rises, Think of the Consequences" - Confucius

We are all bound to get angry when something is wrong. Anger, if not controlled can ruin everything, and to regret as soon as anger cools down, is entirely useless.

Consequences of uncontrolled anger in family issues. Violence that can lead to physical and emotional pain. Disrespectful feelings towards the person who is angry especially if the anger resulted into physical and emotional pain. A broken home if problems cannot be solved. Stow away children if they can't find peace in their home and choose to find a place for them where they can find peace. 
Consequences of uncontrolled anger in a community. Unfriendly neighborhood because there is no consideration with each other. Sometimes the root of problem in a community when anger arises to individuals is because of children. There are parents who tolerate the mistake of their children, and instead of helping their children to correct their mistake if they did something wrong with other children, the parents will defend them, and so anger is provoked, argumentation starts between parents that if not controlled, it will lead to violence and the result is a community with no peace between families. 

Setting your mind to control yourself when you are angry is difficult, but thinking of the consequences that you will regret is a more easier way for self-control when angry.

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